Monday, November 19, 2018

Super Addy!!

Wow, I wish I could go back to this day. Even though I was probably on a 5 mile run and it was probably hot, I would take that right now! It's cold outside now!  I had some ambition this past summer thought I was a runner. I was training but didn't know for what. I never found a good race to sign up for that worked with my schedule. I got myself up to 7 miles (not a good 7 miles, but I did it). Addison did quite a few runs with me. I like taking her with me, it helps lessen the mom-guilt that I'm gone alot. But she talks. A lot. And wants me to answer. I'm huffing and puffing too hard to talk!! ha! So she usually did half the run with me and I dropped her off at home and did the last half by myself :) It makes you feel like a rockstar when  I lost motivation when I didn't sign up for a race and got super busy at work. But now Kelly signed me up for a Turkey Trot in Lakeville on Thanksgiving day..... BRRRR....... 

She wanted a eat a bowl of cereal like me. She did fairly good. She even asked for more. I don't blame her, cereal is delicious. 

My little goofball. We were working on our "Go Cyclones!" 

Super Addy!! We found this at Grandma Rita's in the toy box. We were in the basement, so I put it on her and taught her to "fly" and called her "Super Addy". I told her to go show dad, so she went upstairs and flew around the living room saying "Super Addy!!" We thought it was pretty stinkin' cute. ha! 

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