Saturday, November 10, 2018

Park with Friends

Once again, told Addison she had to take a nice photo for us and then we could go to the park. I'm not sure how I will bribe her now that it's 20 degrees out and we aren't going to the park anymore! 

So this is the only photo we got with Caleb, but we met the Thraen's and the Nolting's at the splash pad. The kids had a blast running around in the water and playing on the playground. And it was good to catch up with our friends too. 

Addison of course loved the water. Thankfully this time she didn't insist we go through it with her! After the park then we all went out to eat at Pizza Ranch. It was a quick morning and I wish I would have gotten a photo with the kids together. Guess we just need to get together again :)

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