Tuesday, November 20, 2018

It's football season!

Some day I will catch up on this blog :) These photos were taken the first weekend of September, which was also the first football game. We had to break out our Lents jersey since it finally sort of fit! I tried to pose her for a good picture, the football is bigger than her!

I apparently didn't take any photos at all Labor Day weekend. I of course had to work Saturday, but Addison played at the house with Makena and Grandma Rita. They got 5 minutes of the game in before it was delayed for lightning. A couple hour rain delay and they ended up canceling the game. Now we are playing another game on Dec. 1. BRRRR........

 We got some bubbles from the Skjevelands, there was one bottle that produced a TON of bubbles! She was loving running through the bubbles and popping them.

These bubbles also floated forever!! They would float down the street. It was the craziest thing.  It was torture some times for her to sit and wait and wait for a bubble to come low enough that she could pop it.

She would squeal when they popped near or on her face. I know I've put a ton of bubble pictures in Addison's blog, but she has so much fun I can't resist taking pictures!

Monday, November 19, 2018

Super Addy!!

Wow, I wish I could go back to this day. Even though I was probably on a 5 mile run and it was probably hot, I would take that right now! It's cold outside now!  I had some ambition this past summer thought I was a runner. I was training but didn't know for what. I never found a good race to sign up for that worked with my schedule. I got myself up to 7 miles (not a good 7 miles, but I did it). Addison did quite a few runs with me. I like taking her with me, it helps lessen the mom-guilt that I'm gone alot. But she talks. A lot. And wants me to answer. I'm huffing and puffing too hard to talk!! ha! So she usually did half the run with me and I dropped her off at home and did the last half by myself :) It makes you feel like a rockstar when  I lost motivation when I didn't sign up for a race and got super busy at work. But now Kelly signed me up for a Turkey Trot in Lakeville on Thanksgiving day..... BRRRR....... 

She wanted a eat a bowl of cereal like me. She did fairly good. She even asked for more. I don't blame her, cereal is delicious. 

My little goofball. We were working on our "Go Cyclones!" 

Super Addy!! We found this at Grandma Rita's in the toy box. We were in the basement, so I put it on her and taught her to "fly" and called her "Super Addy". I told her to go show dad, so she went upstairs and flew around the living room saying "Super Addy!!" We thought it was pretty stinkin' cute. ha! 

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Cyclone Fan Fest

In mid-August, Athletics hosts Cyclone Fan Fest at the Bergstrom Practice Facility. There are activities such as gymnastics, tennis, volleyball, etc. Plus there are players and coaches signing autographs. We have gone the last two years. Makena and Conner joined us again this year. 

We had to wait in line to get into the facility, so we took a quick photo with Cy. She was not a fan of real Cy, we had to keep our distance from him! 

Addison insisted we carry her 98% of the time while at the event. She gets heavy! We finally convinced her to get down after watching the other kids play on the gymnastics mat. She stood there and wouldn't talk to the gymnasts. They tried to get her to touch her toes. We knew she could do a somersault and thought she might do it..... but she didn't. 

We did call this a win though, she may not have talked to the girls but she didn't yell at them. ha! She doesn't normally get this close to other people without freaking out. One step at a time!

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Park with Friends

Once again, told Addison she had to take a nice photo for us and then we could go to the park. I'm not sure how I will bribe her now that it's 20 degrees out and we aren't going to the park anymore! 

So this is the only photo we got with Caleb, but we met the Thraen's and the Nolting's at the splash pad. The kids had a blast running around in the water and playing on the playground. And it was good to catch up with our friends too. 

Addison of course loved the water. Thankfully this time she didn't insist we go through it with her! After the park then we all went out to eat at Pizza Ranch. It was a quick morning and I wish I would have gotten a photo with the kids together. Guess we just need to get together again :)

Sunday, November 4, 2018


I didn't realize I needed to catch up on some videos. The video above wouldn't really make sense to anyone else, but Ryan and I will laugh when we look back at it. We have this game with these different colored balls. Addison loves to take them off the tray and put them back on. She has this order of the colors in her head, so she puts them all on then you will hear her say "nooooo" to herself. Then she rearranges them and puts them in the "right" order. This wasn't a one-time thing either, she has been using the same order for a couple months (Ryan keeps track, ha). 

I mentioned in a previous post about how we are working on baseball. She can whack the ball pretty good. Just think of how good she would be if she used the big end of the bat! She says "wham" every time she hits it. 

So people have thought we were crazy, but we withheld condiments from Addison until she was almost 2.5 (just a couple months shy). I've been around enough kids, I know that once you give most kids ketchup it becomes a food group for them! So one day in August, we were feeling generous I guess and we gave her ketchup. This video shows her first time eating it. She was nervous to try it at first. Now we are working 'what ketchup goes with'. Yesterday I believe we said "no, ketchup doesn't go with carrots" and "no, ketchup doesn't go with alfredo pasta". haha!

Saturday, November 3, 2018

Want a Hurts Donut?

Sometime in August, we need to run to West Des Moines so Ryan thought it would be the perfect time to try a Hurts Donut. 

For a family that loves donuts, this was an exciting outing. Ha! It was so long ago now that I don't remember exactly what kinds we bought, but here is what I remember: Birthday Cake (with extra sprinkles), the Bart Simpson (with crushed butterfinger), Fruity Pepples, Powdered Lemon Filled and the ET (with Reese's Pieces) and I don't remember what the last one was.

Ryan and Addison were excited about their donuts, I'm surprised they both looked for a photo. 

BUT I was probably the most excited...... The Julius family LOVES powdered lemon filled donuts and they are hard to find. This one was delicious! I'm glad we don't live close to this donut place, we would probably be there all the time (and they aren't cheap!). 

We were too excited and forgot to take a picture of the full box. Oops. 

Scouting out her next bite. She keeps a close eye on what her dad is eating to make sure he doesn't take what she wants. ha! 

Of course we had to take a picture with the giant mixer. I mean, that's what it's there for, right?? One happy kiddo filled with donuts.