Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Zoo with cousins

We met Erin, Reagan and Reid at the Zoo for a beautiful day looking at animals! 

They had lots of decorations out for Night Eyes, which we enjoyed in the daytime. 

We are so happy these guys moved back to Iowa!! The kids get along great. 

This goofy kid. He's sticking his face under the facet. 

He wanted to drink out of the facet. He asked ALL THE TIME!! I told him that Grandpa would drink out of the facet sometimes and he couldn't believe it. He thought it was so funny!! Then he had to call Grandpa and ask him if he drank out of the facet. Mason just laughed and laughed. 

Beautiful night to practice riding her bike! This picture makes me sad now, as almost a year later they are tearing up all that land. 

With Grandpa Ron's pumpkin! 

I found this super hero reading a book in my office when I went to work one evening. Ha! 

My little ballerina :) They posted this picture on Facebook. Last year, when this was taken, she was taking 6 classes and loved every minute of it. She would have taken more if we let her! 

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