Friday, September 13, 2024

Day at the farm

Grandpa Ron running the combine and Scott following behind in the grain cart. 

Two excited kids waiting for the combine. 

Grandpa, the kids, and the combine. All things that make me happy :) 

Look how dirty that face is! 

Wrestling on the trampoline..... brings back memories of me and Landon playing WWF on the trampoline. Ha! 

Mason and I going for a 4 wheeler ride. 

Checking out the corn going into the auger to the grain bin. Mason had to check on it for Grandpa. 

We all fit in the combine! Mason LOVED the back-up camera and all the screens Grandpa had. 

Taking trash to the dumpster. We burned some trash too but she didn't like that job! She's terrified of fire. 

Lots of fun on the trampoline...... going knees, seater-rumpous, to the their feet. 

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