Friday, September 20, 2024

Omaha Zoo

Kids were excited to stay in hotel again! 

We hit up the pool and then ordered Dominoes. Addison gets SO EXCITED for Dominoes, it's a special treat to her. Nicole and Landon have ordered it when we are at their house and we have never ordered it at home. So she thinks it's special. Ha! 

We sent this one to Grandma..... we let her have a scoop of whipped cream for breakfast. 

Omaha Zoo day! Giraffe picture for Tracey. 

Baby Elephants!! They are so cute. They had even more babies when we went this summer. They are my favorite :) 

We stayed there for quite a while watching the elephants. 

They wanted their picture with the giant mammoth (they are by the feet)

And of course we fed the coi fish.

Sitting in the cave watching the seals.

It was October so the zoo was decorated for Halloween! 

They love to touch the starfish. 

Hard to see, but they are in front of the bat cave. YUCK. 

 They insist on getting their pictures with all the statues..... I didn't post them all! Another good trip to the zoo! 

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