Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Omaha Children's Museum

The kids had a day off school so we headed to Omaha again. They love the Children's Museum! Thanks to Tracey for buying them the Science Center pass so we get in free here! 

Chef in the kitchen

If only she could actually get me a pop...... 

They love coloring the picture and then putting it up on the screen to see their animal appear. It is pretty cool. 

We did the maker's station again! 

They loved using the tools! It would be better if they had better wood for us to use, it's all weird sizes and full of holes. Less than ideal. 

Grandpa Ron taught Mason and Nolan how to check to see if things were level...... So Mason had to make sure Ryan's work was level. Ha! 

This box was Mason's (since Addison got the first one we made) and he keeps all his "special things" in this box. It's his treasure! Although he wouldn't mind if it was a little bigger, he has lots of "special things" - Ha! 

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