Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Omaha Children's Museum

The kids had a day off school so we headed to Omaha again. They love the Children's Museum! Thanks to Tracey for buying them the Science Center pass so we get in free here! 

Chef in the kitchen

If only she could actually get me a pop...... 

They love coloring the picture and then putting it up on the screen to see their animal appear. It is pretty cool. 

We did the maker's station again! 

They loved using the tools! It would be better if they had better wood for us to use, it's all weird sizes and full of holes. Less than ideal. 

Grandpa Ron taught Mason and Nolan how to check to see if things were level...... So Mason had to make sure Ryan's work was level. Ha! 

This box was Mason's (since Addison got the first one we made) and he keeps all his "special things" in this box. It's his treasure! Although he wouldn't mind if it was a little bigger, he has lots of "special things" - Ha! 

Friday, September 13, 2024

Day at the farm

Grandpa Ron running the combine and Scott following behind in the grain cart. 

Two excited kids waiting for the combine. 

Grandpa, the kids, and the combine. All things that make me happy :) 

Look how dirty that face is! 

Wrestling on the trampoline..... brings back memories of me and Landon playing WWF on the trampoline. Ha! 

Mason and I going for a 4 wheeler ride. 

Checking out the corn going into the auger to the grain bin. Mason had to check on it for Grandpa. 

We all fit in the combine! Mason LOVED the back-up camera and all the screens Grandpa had. 

Taking trash to the dumpster. We burned some trash too but she didn't like that job! She's terrified of fire. 

Lots of fun on the trampoline...... going knees, seater-rumpous, to the their feet. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Pumpkin Patch and combine

They love the Humpty Dumpty pictures :) 

Ryan was excited as Mason decided he didn't need someone to go with him on the slide, so now the 3 of them could race. Ha! 

New last year, they had a haybale lifting activity. The kids loved it. 

And Addison was finally big enough and strong enough to go by herself on the tractors! We were happy because it's hard to pedal and hold her! 

Mason loves living by a field..... I picked him up from daycare early so he could watch the field across the road being combined. He even convinced me to let him bring his combine outside and he could combine the driveway alongside the real combine. 


Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Zoo with cousins

We met Erin, Reagan and Reid at the Zoo for a beautiful day looking at animals! 

They had lots of decorations out for Night Eyes, which we enjoyed in the daytime. 

We are so happy these guys moved back to Iowa!! The kids get along great. 

This goofy kid. He's sticking his face under the facet. 

He wanted to drink out of the facet. He asked ALL THE TIME!! I told him that Grandpa would drink out of the facet sometimes and he couldn't believe it. He thought it was so funny!! Then he had to call Grandpa and ask him if he drank out of the facet. Mason just laughed and laughed. 

Beautiful night to practice riding her bike! This picture makes me sad now, as almost a year later they are tearing up all that land. 

With Grandpa Ron's pumpkin! 

I found this super hero reading a book in my office when I went to work one evening. Ha! 

My little ballerina :) They posted this picture on Facebook. Last year, when this was taken, she was taking 6 classes and loved every minute of it. She would have taken more if we let her! 

Sunday, September 8, 2024

TC 10 - 2023

Aunt Tracey and Hugh were nice enough to get Mason a new pair of gloves, he LOVED them!! We had called Hugh because Addison had a pair of purple gloves from Costco. She lost one of them. We looked harder than anyone has probably ever looked for a glove before. She asked multiple times on the bus and at school. So we called Hugh and asked if he could buy her another pair next time he was at Costco (Tracey makes fun of them that he is there so much people think he works there!). So he bought Addison a pair and then didn't want Mason to feel left out, so he got a pair too. 

Later that week, Mason said "Why didn't I get a cake for my birthday?" We told him he did, and then talked all about his last birthday, which had been 5 months earlier. He said "No, my birthday last week". Found out he thought he had a birthday because Tracey brought him a present - ha! Apparently 1 present is sufficient for him :) 

Just another day of Kelly with a 40 :) 
We went to MN so Kelly and I could run our race, but of course the day before we went to lunch, drank beer, and watched the cyclones! 

We went to Como Park Zoo and the kids wanted all the pictures with the statues. 

Mason's giraffe pictures for Tracey. 

This was before we left for MN, Mason was ready to go! 

Well, it was an interesting year for the TC10. Kelly and I were on our way to downtown at 5:15am and got a message from her friend that they had cancelled the race due to heat. We were shocked. There are around 20,000 runners for the 10 mile and marathon. We decided to go downtown anyways, you know, to see what was going on. Ha! 

We took the picture above for Mason, since he loves tunnels. We ran through this tunnel on our route. 
We didn't know the route, plus it's a one way route, but we ran the 10 miles and ended at the Capitol anyways!! I was actually chilly when we got out of the car, so it was ironic it was cancelled because of heat. Ha! 

It was weird, running that far being relaxed and not stressed out about how far we were running. We didn't actually start running planning to do the whole thing, it just sort of happened. Kelly and I actually ran a little over 11 miles so that our friend Monica could get her miles in. Then we stopped for donuts on the way home :) We had a few different women we ran with, it was fun. 

I was quite worried we did all that work and ran all those miles and weren't going to get a medal. But later that week they handed out medals or would mail them. That made me happy!! Not doing the race this year, but maybe I will be back next year. 

Making cookies for Grandpa Ron to take to the field. They were putting in extra peanut butter chips for him :) 

When the cats away, the mice will play! We took these pictures for Ryan. Ha! Mason loved to have Addy do his hair. Ryan demands a hair cut after he gets pictures like these!