Monday, July 15, 2024

Pirate Night

All the characters were dressed in their pirate outfits! We were busy doing other things, so we missed the lines for Mickey & Minnie. But we got Daisy! 

And we saw Goofy walking in the hallway
Mason joined us for trivia for a little bit. I was puzzled by all the Coors cans but then remembered we bought a couple cases of Coors in Cozumel as we had run out of Bud Light. 

Pirate night dinner! Addy had already gone to Kid's Club, but Mason stayed behind. 

The kids got pirate activity sheets at dinner and Addy finished the maze. 

Mason getting his Mickey ketchup! 

We were at Animators again and had pirate Mickey come in to visit.... but I apparently didn't get a picture. 
We love our Mickey bars! 

So Addison missed dessert because she had gone to Kid's Club. She came back to the restaurant and really wanted a Mickey Bar. We were able to request one late for her, she was happy. We needed to get up to the deck for the Pirate Show, so we told her to eat quick so it didn't melt. Well..... we rode the elevator and walked out onto the deck..... and it fell off the stick onto the ground. She had eaten 1/4 to maybe 1/2 of it. She was heartbroken and just lost it. She cried so hard. Like, harder than she would normally ever cry. Ha! SO, her awesome Aunt Kelly ran back down to Animators and found a staff member who got her another Mickey Bar. She saved the day! 

We found a photographer for our picture while I was trying to calm Addy down. You can see how red her face is. Ha! 

Pirate show! The kids LOVED it! Mason still talks about it frequently. 

Fun was had by all. I forgot I was wearing Mason's pirate hat when I took this pictures :) 

Mickey zip-lined on the boat to save us from Captain Hook.

And another night of fireworks.... the kids were so excited! By this time, Mason fell asleep in the middle of the show and went back to the room. It had been a big day for him with Cozumel and Pirate night. But Addy and Nolan were still going strong! 

 Addy with the towel. It was a great day and a fun pirate night! 

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