Sunday, July 14, 2024

Pirate Night

The kids were SO EXCITED for Pirate Night! 

Fortunately, they had both been pirates for Halloween earlier that year! 

Their sword fight got some cute pictures! 

Can't hardly see, but we are holding Tinkerbell in our hands. Addison loved this! 

Three mean pirates

But even pirates like ice cream! 

Nolan liked to bite the end of his ice cream cone first.... then it would melt out the bottom while he tried to eat it. It was a mess, but funny! 

What a good picture! 

Pirates with a view

We blamed a game, they had a balance a duck on their sword and walk to the other pole to win. 

Ready, set, go! 

Little pirates wanted to go to Kid's Club so the older pirates played trivia and ate nachos.

We had fun with the photo shoots! 

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