Thursday, July 11, 2024

More characters and Mickey Bars

Stitch was the longest line we waited in! We waited probably 45 minutes. Most times it was 15-20 minutes max. Best part about these lines.... the cast members cut them off. You never waited in line and then didn't get to see the characters. 
Addison coloring a picture for Grandma Rita for her birthday while waiting to see Stitch. Mason didn't wait in line, we just texted him when we were getting close! 

Donald Duck was at the top of Mason's list. The kids like to talk like Donald :) 

My first trip to Disney World, Daisy was one of my favorites. 

Walking through the lobby and we saw Minnie :) 

More Desserts!! 

The Julius family (minus Landon) was happy for Strawberry Shortcake one night! 

The kids LOVED the little boxes of cereal in the morning! Also made for good snacks through out the day or at port. 

The comments in Disney groups all suggested ordering the warm cookies through room service....... they were NOT good!! We were very disappointed. We were happy with our bucket of ice for our Bud Light though. Ha! 

Playing games with Kelly on the pool deck. They had a few different water slides. Nolan loved them, Addison did 1 I think and then there were a few "scary" ones that Parker did. Ryan said he wanted to do one of the adult ones and asked Parker if he wanted to go with. Parker said yes, and they started walking towards the slides. Parker headed straight for the water slide where the bottom drops out and you fall. Ryan was thinking the less scary one..... but didn't want to seem like a wuss to Parker so he went along. Ha! He said it was scary and asked Parker "You've done this more than once?"....... Parker said yes. Ryan thought he was crazy :) haha!! 

Not a good picture of Ryan, but this was the chocolate lava cake I believe. 

Mason found a duck! He was excited. We were on our way off the boat at Cozumel I believe. 

Mason loved chillin' in the window seat with the view. 

ALL. THE. ICE. CREAM. :) Mason and I snuck away to get ice cream by ourselves. 

Addison found entertainment in standing by the elevator windows and waving at people as they go by. 

Amazing sunsets!! 

Mason took Simba and his hexbug to dinner for entertainment. They brought out the kids meals first so it was fast and they didn't have to wait too long. But Mason loved taking the bugs to dinner. 

Rapunzel's restaurant again - this night there was a show! 

MICKEY BARS!!! Definitely a highlight of the cruise. These are amazing and you can only get them at the park or cruise. They are sold in some stores but are a little different. The chocolate is just so good. Ryan struggled each night if he should order a Mickey bar or other dessert. Mason didn't usually finish his or I let Ryan have bites of my Mickey Bar. 

Matching outfits :) 

So this night, the silent DJ was an adults only party and Addison was heartbroken. A cast member saw her and brough out headphones for the kids in the hallway. Addison was so happy! I love Disney service. That made her night! 

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