Thursday, March 7, 2024

Parade & Horses

Just playing a little baseball! America's favorite past-time. 

We were on our way to Macksburg to see Brad, Nolan, & Garrett (and Dale & Evonne) but then found out they weren't going to be home..... so we turned around quick and hurried back to Slater. Slater puts on a big 4th of July parade :) We couldn't find a place to park so 3 of us hopped out so we didn't miss the start of the parade.

Ryan parked up on a curb in the grass and the kids thought that was SO FUNNY!! Mason STILL talks about it 8 months later. They liked to ask "could the black car drive up that curb?" or "could the white car park on grass?" 
It was packed!! Lots of out of towners come to Slater for this parade. Thankfully, we saw some kiddos Addison knew, so her and Mason wormed their way out to the street to get some candy. The people handing out icees were was SO HOT at 10am!! I think Ryan got burnt being outside 45 minutes at 10am :) 

We didn't get to see the whole parade because we needed to get to Mallory & Kevin's, but we saw a good chunk of it. Mason liked seeing the giant drone (thing was huge). Addison liked seeing some kids she knew in the parade. 

Addison was so excited to Jason & Adair's twins!! They were around 6 months old. Addy loved Vail. (So did I!)

These two were in heaven! Mason asked to hold them too. I was shocked. I couldn't believe he stopped playing long enough to want to hold them. 

My little buddy on a horse!! 

Doesn't get close to a dog, but will ride a horse!! 

Kevin is amazing :) He patiently walked the horses around for my kids many laps. But then Aly took over for him. 

Mason had a good time with the ride on toys in the shop. 

But he really loved the bar and farm animals in the loft area. Ha! 

More baby snuggles :) Garner this time. 

She was so excited to get a little smile out of him!! She couldn't stop talking about him. 

Mason had to get in on it too.... Garner went straight for Mason's face. He thought that was funny. Aunt Ginny had the twins for a week while Jason & Adair were in Canada with her family. Ginny's sister from Chicago came, it was fun to meet her since I've heard so much about her. 

Veronica had to work I believe, but we had Aly, Travis, Kenny, Nolan, Garrett, Remsen, Boyden, Addy & Mason. Kevin took the boys fishing down at the pond, then Ryan, Mason & Cathy drove the gator down to see them. 

We were so thankful Mallory & Kevin had a fourth of July gathering for the Lents family! It was fun to see everyone in the summer and for the kids to do all the fun outdoor activities. 


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