Sunday, March 3, 2024

Pickleball, Mah Jong and an arcade

Grandpa & Grandma came for our last few days in Florida. The kids were so excited to play pickleball with Grandpa! 

It was SO HOT that day! We were out about an hour and just melting. Ha! 

The kids took an interest in Grandma's Maj Jong game. We were surprised! Grandma & Grandpa taught them how to play, the kids were patient and learned the game. It was crazy, even Mason caught on. 

Mason just told Grandma "Mah Jong!" 

Addison loves Mah Jong!! She wants to play whenever she sees Grandma. She told us "I'm going to ask Santa for pickleball paddles and Mah Jong. If he asks how I know how to play those games, I will say "my grandma and grandpa taught me". Ha! 

Cooled off with a swim in the little big pool! 

Packed up, ready to go to the big pool! 

Addison was sooo excited..... we went to the arcade! We love some skeeball :) 

They loved the games were they threw balls. So did Ryan, Grandpa, and I :) We threw balls at a screen and tried to break plates. Mason was pretty good at it! 

He also enjoyed the games where they shot water at a target. Then we did some race car games too. We spent about 2 hours there and only left because it was bedtime. We did a few hockey/foosball type games too, they liked those but they were super hard! 

Just out for a night swim on our last night! 

We got home from Florida and then had to get ready for 4th of July family pictures!! 

Stopped at the field to see how much the corn grew. Crazy thing, we stopped to take this picture and Addison claims she stepped on a snake walking to the corn. Ryan took a picture the snake. It was huge. It was terrifying. The kids and I were in the grass, while Ryan was up on the road. He ran to the car and I'm pretty sure was about to leave us! He totally bailed on us. Left the kids and I to run across the grass and hopefully not get eaten by a snake. He wouldn't even keep an eye on the snake to tell us where he was..... we had to gamble and pray we didn't see him as we ran back to the car. It really showed us how much he cared about us.... hahah! 


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