Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Trip to KC

It was the end of August and we finally got a weekend to head to KC! We started the weekend by watching Brayden play "real" football. It was crazy, he seems too young! But it was fun. It was a huge stadium they played in. 

Our little farmer was in heaven with all the farm toys!

And the most exciting part..... the pool!! 

Nolan and Mason doing Hamburger and Fries..... it was cute! 

These silly kiddos :) I didn't get any pictures I guess but Addison did go off the diving board at the big pool. And Mason thought he could too but Mom said no. He did go down the big slide though (even thought Mom didn't want him to!)

Kelly and Parker made the trip to KC with us, it was great! Parker gave his ear bud to Addison in the car, she thought that was pretty cool. Ha! 


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