Tuesday, May 2, 2023

First Day of First Grade

First day of school! Addison was quite excited. And isn't this the cutest picture!! Mason just wants to do whatever Addison is doing. 

Look at Mason's face - ha! 

She's getting on the bus at Tender Years again, Mason and I walked her to the bus the first day so I could get a picture. She then asked me every day for the next month if I would walk her out to the bus. ha! 

Meanwhile, Mason plays with friends at daycare. He's in the two year old and our favorite teacher left. We were so sad. 

This girl has been BEGGING for cotton candy for weeks. Ryan and I think it's terrible, so we didn't want to buy it. But we went to the summerfest party in Huxley and finally let her buy some. She was so excited. Then didn't think it was very good. Haha!! She ate some of it, but not much. Ha! 

I guess I didn't take many photos, but the city party had a bunch of inflatables on one street they shut down. It's a street that we take to dance class. So every time in the last 8 months that we drive on that street, Mason says "That's where the party was". Every. Single. Time. Haha! 

There was this big inflatable where you had to climb some stairs on the outside, then when you got inside, you jumped on top of these giant soccer balls and tried not to fall. It was a pretty cool one I had never seen. Addison was nervous but made it all the way across without falling! 

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