Sunday, May 14, 2023

Football & 50th Wedding Anniversary

Addison loved football games this season! She did awesome at the games and found everything very exciting. 

This little dude also did awesome at the games! We are lucky parents to have kiddos that love sports and do so well at the games :) 

Running out at halftime to the Cyclone Liquors tent, stopped for a picture in the new Albaugh plaza. 

We started parking south of 30 this year and taking the trail by Vet Med..... Mason loved walking under Hwy 30 and we had to tickle him every time we walked under the bridge...... I can't really remember how that started. ha! We started taking an umbrella stroller for part of the walk and then stashing it in the brush by Vet Med. It was nice at the end of the day to get us a break from carrying Mason and him from walking. Plus, Addison thought it was fun to push him! 

Mom & Dad's 50th Wedding Anniversary was in August of 2022. They don't like attention, so that's why the family went to Mexico instead of a party. But we still had a small celebration the first home football game since it's the only time most everyone is around. We got a little cake and gave them our present. 

Kelly and I worked our tails off on a scrapbook last summer..... 50 years of marriage. It's an 84 page scrapbook, one page for each year they were married, plus lots of extras for the farm, vacations, ISU games, and of course the dogs. Tracey helped us by looking up facts/events for each year. It was A LOT of work but was also fun and a great accomplishment (in my opinion). Thankful for a sister always willing to go along with my crazy ideas!! 

The fact/event portion was stressful for me as my dad remembers EVERYTHING..... I think we did pretty good but he did question us on a few things - ha! 

All the grandkids. 

Grandpa Ron brought us our pumpkins. Addison is with her named pumpkin and Mason has his. The kids planted this pumpkins, so they were pretty excited. 

Addison and her pumpkin. 

Love this picture!! 

Addison did my hair, look how long it is!! Holy cow. She likes to do my hair (but probably not as much as I like her to do it - ha!), and she has gotten pretty good in the last 6 months. 


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