Friday, May 19, 2023

Cyclones Beat the Hawks

Addison's first grade school picture

These kids love to wrestle! 

Celebrating Iowa State beating Iowa 10-7, at Iowa (obviously). It was a great night, complete with a celebration dance party!! The kids had a blast. 

Learning the secret handshake. Then Mason and Ryan played catch across the living for about an hour. This kid LOVES to play catch or anything to do with balls. We partied all night, aka put the kids to bed at 10pm). Facetimed celebration with the KC Julius' too, it was a good night. Go Cyclones!! 

More fun at the pumpkin patch :) 

Two kids in the outhouse..... better not try it next fall, they might get stuck! 

This tractor wasn't out often, but they loved it when it was! It's super cute and their perfect size. 


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