Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Shopping and the Shell Factory

We like to go to the Miromar Outlets because they have fish and turtles we can watch! And you can get really close to them. The turtles are all different sizes, some are super tiny. The kids (and me) enjoy it! 

Always love free entertainment :) 

Addison loves all the different little vehicles throughout the mall that she can climb in. She's old enough now to know if I put money in, she gets "a ride". But of course I never do that for her - ha! 

We went to "The Shell Factory", which was an interesting place. The shop portion reminded me of an old truck stop. Tons of random, crappy, souvenirs. And weird animal statues. But nothing topped was a booth with a sign that says "For a Good Time, Open Door" and you had to pay a quarter to unlock the door. Ha! It was weird. We did not pay the quarter to see what was inside..... haha 

Weird animal statues.....

Mason saw this motorcycle rocking horse and said "Oh neat!!" and ran over to climb on. He had that thing going so fast I thought he would tip over! 

Then they found a Triceratops to climb on. Mason loved it!  

Then they found a ride-on train. This time I caved and let them ride was only a quarter compared to the $1.50 at the mall! They thought it was pretty cool. This Train was in some unique Christmas store. We looked for a Christmas ornament to bring home as a souvenir but couldn't find anything we loved. 

The Shell Factory had a little "zoo". We use the term "zoo" lightly, but we enjoyed it! There is a giant iguana behind her. 

Ew ew ew! Ugh. The reptile house held a giant snake. 

Dinosaur statue

My little dinosaurs! 

I said this was a unique zoo..... they had a pig bench. They had an animal that we couldn't figure out - it had a camel hump, horse feet, a cow face and I think donkey ears. It was bizarre! They also had bunnies, lemurs, a racoon and some macaw that talked to us! It scared Addison but I was really amused. And Ryan's favorite were the alligators. They had about 6 or 8 and they were actually super close to us. And awake and moving. It was fun to see! 

But the best were the turkeys. I almost didn't get this picture because we saw the turkeys right before and the kids wouldn't let us set them down - ha! Addison wanted to go in this caged area where they had "loose" turkeys and peacocks. We warned Addison that they weren't in a cage, she didn't care. We started walking through and things were fine at first. There was a family in front of us on the path that were trying to get close to the peacocks. Meanwhile, the turkeys start to move faster towards us, they were closing in. Mason started freaking out, demanding to be held. Then the family blocking the exit is still harassing the peacocks and not moving. The turkeys are giving us the stink-eye and moving closer...... Addison is freaking out. They were within just a couple feet now. The family FINALLY moved and we beelined it out of there. Both kids were freaking out. Ha! When we got home I should them Hugh's video of his "pet turkey" out his window, lol. They have been terrified of the thought of turkeys and ask whenever we go to a zoo if they have turkeys, haha! 


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