Tuesday, August 2, 2022

More ponytails

More ponytails for Mason :) 

These two were playing quietly in Addison's room for quite a while. When I went in, this is what I found, they were playing with their dolls and the horse. I love that they love to play together! When I left them at daycare today, they walked out to the playground with their arms around each other :) 


It was so long ago I can't remember what we did that day, but this little guy had a busy day and fell asleep in his high chair. He NEVER just falls asleep places because he has the fear of missing out! 

Addison baking us cookies in her easy bake oven. 

How can you get mad at a giant mess with these two smiling faces - haha! As Mason likes to say right now, he loves "play toys". 

This little guy thinks he's a big kid and can do everything Addison or the neighbor kids do. So he insists on trying to ride the scooter or the balance bike. I feel like it's only time until a bone break or another missing tooth! 

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