Saturday, May 14, 2022

My Mother Hates Me in January

There is no making this kid do anything, but Addison was determined he take a picture with her! Haha! 

So Addison brought home this book from the library at school. I couldn't believe it. Shocked. This was my favorite book as a kid (not sure why, but it was). I checked it out from the library all the time! When I was pregnant with Addison, Kelly found the book for me. Used from some library as it's hard to find. I was so shocked when I opened for two reasons - #1. I didn't think anyone would remember that I loved that book and #2. I couldn't believe she thought to find it for me! It's an old book and I don't even keep it on her bookshelf because I didn't want it to get ruined - ha! I just couldn't believe that Addison's library had that book AND that she checked it out. :) 

We were shopping in Menards and I walked to the next aisle and found these two, pretending they were for sale. Ha! Mason was following her around and doing everything she does :) 

Annual family selfie before Christmas church! Addison was excited for the cookies at church. Mason was loud. Ha! 

Mason had a gift leftover from the Julius Christmas, so we told them they could open it after church on Dec. 23. I didn't take any pictures, but Grandpa Ron & Grandma Rita met us for church in Ankeny as we have done the last few years. 

 The Lents Christmas was on Christmas Eve this year and it was at Grant & Erica's house. It worked out nicely for us, not a long drive and they had toys :) Like a trampoline! It was SO NICE Christmas Eve, no coats as you can see. The kids loved the trampoline and the big kids were nice enough to let the little ones jump! 

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