Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve at the Lents House! Kids were pretty excited. 

We ended up opening our gifts to each other on Christmas Eve since we had to go Ryan's family on Christmas day. Ryan and the kids got me an American flag to hang outside our house. I was pretty surprised & excited, I've wanted a flag for a long time!! Ryan hung out outside a couple weeks ago, I love seeing it out our window. Mason LOVES American flags right now too, it's fun! 

Santa's cookies..... oh so hard for a 1 year old! Addison has this tradition of using the Mickey Mouse plate for Santa. 

I did end up letting them eat a little cookie :) He was so upset, haha. 

Christmas Eve has always been a very special day/evening for me. Growing up, I always had such excitement on Christmas Eve. I loved preparing for Christmas and best of all, we spent the evening with the Julius family. We would go to Christmas Eve church and then the Julius Christmas. Then you got home late and had to get to bed so Santa could come! It was one of the best parts of Christmas! I want Christmas Eve to be a special memory for our kids too. There are only so many years with the magic of Christmas, I'm going all out to make it amazing! 

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