Thursday, May 12, 2022

Christmas Concert

We got home from the Julius Christmas and Addison wanted to play with her Kinetic Sand immediately. She played with it for hours! Way to go Aunt Kelly! 

And Ryan wanted a turn too :) 

Grinch the Elf brought Christmas Tree Cakes for the kiddos. Addison was so excited! I think this picture is pretty cute :) 

This little girl was so excited for her school Christmas program! We found one of Makena's sweater dresses and some dress boots. Christmas bows for the pigtails and she topped off the outfit with one of Grandma Rita's old necklaces that happens to be a Christmas necklace. 

Benefit of being the small kid..... you are in the front row! She is front and center. There are roughly #120 students in Kindergarten. They told her in school to invite grandparents and so she wanted to follow directions. She kept bugging me to invite Grandpa Ron & Grandma Rita. Well, knowing that these things aren't that entertaining..... I told her that we would just FaceTime them and sing her songs when we were home. She kept asking and asking...... so I texted my parents the day of the concert to say that we would be FaceTiming later that night so Addison could sing. Well, instead, they hopped in the car and drove to Huxley to surprise her at her concert! She loved it! 

 Clearly, I love the Christmas Tree photos...ha! There will be more :) It was jammie day at school and Addison loves her Grinch dress and it was so cold she wouldn't be going outside for recess (feels crazy to say that as it's 94 degrees today). 

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