Monday, May 2, 2022

Julius Christmas Part III

Grandpa Ron working on the tractors with Nolan.

Me with my favorite niece :) 

Grandpa & Grandma with all the grandkids. It's hard for everyone to be together, with all the sports everyone is involved in. It seems like at least 1 kid is always missing! Christmas is usually a whirlwind, working around hockey usually, but at least we get an afternoon all together. 

Just the kids! 

My two favorite girls! I LOVE this picture. 

And just the boys...... Nolan being crazy and Mason crying.... ha! It was only a few months ago, but Mason has changed a ton! He probably wouldn't be crying if we took it today, he's gotten much better with others. 

Boys playing a game. 

I look forward to and love the Julius Christmas every year. It's always short but that's okay, it's a lot of commotion! It's only once or twice a year that the WHOLE family (all 17 of us) is together. The kids have a blast playing together and the adults usually stay up late playing games/drinking. It's May now as I post this, but I can't wait till next Christmas! 


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