Saturday, September 25, 2021

Back at it again..... back to Mason's 1st birthday

Whoa, it's been a long time since I've posted!! Our family has had quite the summer. Here are a few things that happened:
1. Starting in April, Brooke worked almost every weekend with only a couple off. 
2. At the end of May, we decided to put an offer in on a house in Huxley
3. In June, we listed our house for sale
4. We had more weddings at the Alumni Center this summer than we have had in 7 years. And my team had gotten laid off, so it was just me. And I had to hire all new students due to graduation. It was rough!
5. Brooke started applying for new positions at ISU
6. July 31, we closed on the new house and Addison had her last day at Bloom.
7. August 6, we started living at the new house and Mason had his last day at Alissa's. 
8. August 10, Mason started at a center in Huxley
9. August 16, Addison started at the same center
10. August 25, Addison started Kindergarten
11. Sept. 10, Brooke had her last day at the Alumni Center and moved to Risk mgmt on campus

WHEW. And that's why I'm updating things that happened in May....... Here we go........

Time for gifts!! 

Addison was counting down 3-2-1, for her and Nolan to go down the slide. She had a blast playing with Nolan! She calls him "buddy" it's so cute. 

His new truck! We needed more boy toys :) Although he does love Addison's dollhouse. 

Here's a little smile...... 

Before the tears! Nolan walked by and wanted to play with the trucks. 

Nolan walked towards Mason and Mason started wailing. Nolan just wanted to give him a "little squeeze". Look at Nolan's sweet, innocent, face!! haha!! 

I had these visions of these super cute photos with the banner and balloon..... uh yea, a balloon and a 1 year old, come on Brooke. Ha! 

So I took the balloon. Another good idea. Ha! 

This was about the best one I got out of 30. Hah! You only need one though. :) 

He was done! In my defense, usually Ryan and Addison are there to help and they weren't this time. And knowing me, it was almost naptime or snack time or some bad timing. In case you are wondering, yes, his nose is touching the ground! 

Look at that glare...... I just wanted to document his flexibility! I can't believe it's been 4 months since his first birthday, he's growing up fast! 

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