Sunday, September 26, 2021

3....2....1.... Blast off!!

The whole family was in the rocket ship tent, Addison thought it was so fun. It gets hot in there quick! Oh yea, and Donkey was in there in too. It was a full house. Addison loves to play in this tent and go to the moon. 

Addison and I walked about 3/4 of a mile, when it was cold, just to see if a garage sale happened to have a baseball bat left that I saw in a photo. It was our lucky day! 

You will see a series of photos coming up with Addison in her activities. We aren't sure, but we think T-Ball was Kindergarten and 1st grade, maybe 2nd. Regardless, she was the smallest kiddo. She is also wearing her hood under her baseball helmet. ha! 

He got stuck. Not sure how because there isn't a bar to stop him, but he used to get stuck under here frequently. 

Happy boy! Pulling himself up and standing. 

Trying out the new wagon that Mason got for Christmas! There are no seat belts so it's hard to take Mason as he will jump ship. But this will be great as he gets older! 

Trying out his swing in the backyard! Lauren gave us their swing and we connected it to our deck. Addison really wanted to swing but I was worried it would break. Mason enjoyed it for a little bit though. 


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