Monday, July 12, 2021

Mason's First Birthday

I feel like I say this a lot, but this is one of my favorite pictures! This was Mason's first birthday. I can't believe the little guy is 1. The year "at home" went by so fast. Those nights of waking up 5-8 times didn't go fast..... haha! Man, it's about time for that to start up again, we have had a good stretch of waking up 1-2 times...... that's probably about over. 

We got our Monster cake from Lincoln-Center Hy-Vee, they did a great job! And that cake on the right, that was Mason's smash cake. It fed probably 4 people, it was a big smash cake! There was SO much frosting but it was SO good!! I am not a big cake person (hence the cookie), but boy this cake was delicious! 

He was scooting but not yet 'really' crawling at 1. He started really crawling about the day after his first birthday. But boy could he scoot and get where he wanted to go! This is two months later now, but I think he had about 5 teeth around his first birthday. 

The cakes had to be out of reach of his go-go gadget arm. He gets into everything that's within about 3 feet of him. It's amazing. Even when I thought the cakes were pretty far away, he still got them! 

Cousin picture - No idea where Nolan was, but that's not a surprise! 

All the fingers coming in for a taste. Mason liked his cake better than Addison did at her first birthday! 

Nolan had been waiting all day to get into this cake. He called cake "Happy Day" and he was dying for some! 

This kid really got into it. He loved it! That blue frosting was everywhere! Mason saw Nolan shoving cake in his face so he wanted to give it a try. 

Nolan and his "Happy Day". Nicole and Brayden couldn't come this time so we sent these to Nicole :) 


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