Sunday, March 10, 2019

O Christmas Tree

It may be March 10 but there is still a ton of snow on the ground so it's okay to still talk about Christmas, right? Ha! We were getting ready to go see Santa, so it was the perfect opportunity to bribe Addison to take pictures in front of the tree.

Well clearly she was more excited for Santa BEFORE she saw him :) Santa was at the American Legion in town for breakfast. Addison did pretty good while we ate, as long as no one talked to her her. haha! Santa waved at her a few times while we were eating and Addison got pretty shy. It was good for her to see Santa taking pictures with other kids. 

We had our coats on and were getting ready to go, when someone asked Addison what she asked Santa for. I don't remember exactly what happened, but somehow I talked Addison into talking to Santa again. We were able to approach Santa again and she told him she wanted a new doll. I was so proud of her! We pushed it for Santa to give her a high - five but that was a step too far. Maybe next year. 

She's doing the Juicy Wiggle that her cousin Conner taught her. 

She was jumping around so much we really struggled to get a picture but we did get a few good ones! I love Christmas and it was so fun to start to see the excitement for Addison. 

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