Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Choo Choo choo Train

We let Addison open a gift early :) I wrapped up a gingerbread train to let her unwrap it. I wanted to make sure she understood the concept of unwrapping gifts and that she would be excited - ha! 

I really wanted to build a gingerbread structure with her this year - it was Ryan and I's first Christmas when we were dating when Ryan bought a gingerbread tree for us to make together.

Back in 2009 - You can see it, but Ryan's wearing a "Lifeguard" sweatshirt. When we first met, I gave him a hard time about this sweatshirt. He can't swim. haha! He keeps telling me he bought it in San Diego when he was cold. Ha! 

I can't believe that was almost 10 years ago! It was the first gingerbread thing I had ever built. For a few years after that, we bought some kits. It had been a few years so we thought we should do it again for Addison! 

We looked long and hard for the Christmas Tree kit that Ryan and I had bought but we couldn't find it. We debated and took in all our options. Yes it was a WAY longer process than it should have been - ha! We ended on the train and it was a great pick! She loves it!

She has figured out that the "glue" is actually icing and delicious. ha! 

She LOVED building the train. It was quite a long process, we decided next time we would have the structure already built and have her help with the decorating. 

Every night while we eat supper, this conversation takes place:
Addison: "Build choo choo choo train!" 
Mom or Dad: "yup we built a choo choo choo train" (you have to repeat her)
Addison: "Dad put wheels on"
Mom or Dad: "yup dad put the wheels on"
Addison: "Mom build Santa Claus"
Mom or dad: "Yup mom built Santa Claus"
Addison: "Addy put gummm drops on!" (yes she drags out gum drops)
Mom or Dad: "yup you put gum drops on"
Addison: "Addy put balls on top"
Mom or Dad: 'Yup Addy put balls on top"
Addison: "Mom make windows:
Mom or Dad: "yup mom make windows:
Addison: "Noooo...... dad make windows" 
Haha. Every. Single. Night. 

Maybe we wouldn't have this conversation every night if we actually threw away the train. It's still on our table today. We don't have the heart to throw it away because she gets excited when she sees it! I think today is the day though, it's falling apart. haha! 

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