Monday, March 4, 2019

Addison's new job

I was cleaning one night before Ryan's family came to our house and Addison decided she wanted to help. So she went and got her own rag and asked me "Addy help Mom?" 

She was trying to carry the bucket of water, she made quite the face and the grunt! Then she told me it was too heavy. 

I put her to work scrubbing floors. She even gets in the corners without me having to tell her. When we got to the 2nd bathroom she says "No mom clean, Dad help Addy?" I said "Sure!!" HA! Of course your dad can help you kiddo. So she went and yelled down the stairs for Ryan. He didn't know what he was getting into. haha

When looking at the long list of things to clean, Ryan chooses bathrooms. He has figured out the easiest way to clean the glass door to our shower is with a dry rag. Crazy huh? I would have never tried that. I used to use vinegar and water and for some reason, that just doesn't work as well! Ryan's pretty proud he found an easier way to clean something than what I did. I challenge him to find more - ha! 

Any time she see me cleaning something, she runs to help. How long will that last?!

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait for Reagan to want to help clean!
