Sunday, March 31, 2019

C is for Cookie

Well I'm back at updating....It's now March 31 and I'm still updating the blog from December! These photos are from the day we decided to make some cut-out cookies. As always, she was excited to help!

We need a bigger island, the cookies and Addison almost don't fit together. 

The baking of the cookies always takes longer than you think it should..... it ran into bath time. So I kept baking while Addison and Ryan did a bath. Addison was pretty excited to put the sprinkles on.

Addison's cookies with sprinkles - I think there is no such thing as too many sprinkles, but Ryan would argue that. He apparently doesn't care for sprinkles on his cookies. So weird. 

FINALLY! She got to eat a cookie :) 

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Choo Choo choo Train

We let Addison open a gift early :) I wrapped up a gingerbread train to let her unwrap it. I wanted to make sure she understood the concept of unwrapping gifts and that she would be excited - ha! 

I really wanted to build a gingerbread structure with her this year - it was Ryan and I's first Christmas when we were dating when Ryan bought a gingerbread tree for us to make together.

Back in 2009 - You can see it, but Ryan's wearing a "Lifeguard" sweatshirt. When we first met, I gave him a hard time about this sweatshirt. He can't swim. haha! He keeps telling me he bought it in San Diego when he was cold. Ha! 

I can't believe that was almost 10 years ago! It was the first gingerbread thing I had ever built. For a few years after that, we bought some kits. It had been a few years so we thought we should do it again for Addison! 

We looked long and hard for the Christmas Tree kit that Ryan and I had bought but we couldn't find it. We debated and took in all our options. Yes it was a WAY longer process than it should have been - ha! We ended on the train and it was a great pick! She loves it!

She has figured out that the "glue" is actually icing and delicious. ha! 

She LOVED building the train. It was quite a long process, we decided next time we would have the structure already built and have her help with the decorating. 

Every night while we eat supper, this conversation takes place:
Addison: "Build choo choo choo train!" 
Mom or Dad: "yup we built a choo choo choo train" (you have to repeat her)
Addison: "Dad put wheels on"
Mom or Dad: "yup dad put the wheels on"
Addison: "Mom build Santa Claus"
Mom or dad: "Yup mom built Santa Claus"
Addison: "Addy put gummm drops on!" (yes she drags out gum drops)
Mom or Dad: "yup you put gum drops on"
Addison: "Addy put balls on top"
Mom or Dad: 'Yup Addy put balls on top"
Addison: "Mom make windows:
Mom or Dad: "yup mom make windows:
Addison: "Noooo...... dad make windows" 
Haha. Every. Single. Night. 

Maybe we wouldn't have this conversation every night if we actually threw away the train. It's still on our table today. We don't have the heart to throw it away because she gets excited when she sees it! I think today is the day though, it's falling apart. haha! 

Sunday, March 10, 2019

O Christmas Tree

It may be March 10 but there is still a ton of snow on the ground so it's okay to still talk about Christmas, right? Ha! We were getting ready to go see Santa, so it was the perfect opportunity to bribe Addison to take pictures in front of the tree.

Well clearly she was more excited for Santa BEFORE she saw him :) Santa was at the American Legion in town for breakfast. Addison did pretty good while we ate, as long as no one talked to her her. haha! Santa waved at her a few times while we were eating and Addison got pretty shy. It was good for her to see Santa taking pictures with other kids. 

We had our coats on and were getting ready to go, when someone asked Addison what she asked Santa for. I don't remember exactly what happened, but somehow I talked Addison into talking to Santa again. We were able to approach Santa again and she told him she wanted a new doll. I was so proud of her! We pushed it for Santa to give her a high - five but that was a step too far. Maybe next year. 

She's doing the Juicy Wiggle that her cousin Conner taught her. 

She was jumping around so much we really struggled to get a picture but we did get a few good ones! I love Christmas and it was so fun to start to see the excitement for Addison. 

Thursday, March 7, 2019

More cookies!!

As I mentioned before, Addison was really into helping me. It's so funny, now whenever I do something in the kitchen she asks to get up on the counter.

This time I decided to make these peanut butter rice kripies ball covered in chocolate. I had them on Christmas cookie trays before but have never made them. 

I'm not sure where she learned this, but I'm guessing from her dad.... but I caught her reaching in the bowl. And of course instead of stopping her, I said "wait wait let me take a picture". haha! 

They are no bake cookies so I wasn't concerned about her eating the dough. She thought she was so rebellious, it was cute. She ate a bite and said "Oh wow....nummy" and asked for more! These balls were super easy to make and are amazingly delicious. We will definitely be making them again! No finished picture because Addison had to go to bed before they were done. They aren't pretty, definitely need to perfect the dipping part! 

Monday, March 4, 2019

Addison's new job

I was cleaning one night before Ryan's family came to our house and Addison decided she wanted to help. So she went and got her own rag and asked me "Addy help Mom?" 

She was trying to carry the bucket of water, she made quite the face and the grunt! Then she told me it was too heavy. 

I put her to work scrubbing floors. She even gets in the corners without me having to tell her. When we got to the 2nd bathroom she says "No mom clean, Dad help Addy?" I said "Sure!!" HA! Of course your dad can help you kiddo. So she went and yelled down the stairs for Ryan. He didn't know what he was getting into. haha

When looking at the long list of things to clean, Ryan chooses bathrooms. He has figured out the easiest way to clean the glass door to our shower is with a dry rag. Crazy huh? I would have never tried that. I used to use vinegar and water and for some reason, that just doesn't work as well! Ryan's pretty proud he found an easier way to clean something than what I did. I challenge him to find more - ha! 

Any time she see me cleaning something, she runs to help. How long will that last?!

Sunday, March 3, 2019


Still 3 months behind on posting, I'm going to work to catch up this month :) After MUCH discussion and getting Addison on my side, I FINALLY convinced Ryan to put lights on our house for Christmas. It's another one of those things that he didn't have growing up so he fights me (just like a dog). It has taken me 5 years to convince him to put lights up and I really think he did it for Addison! I hope Addison doesn't get the Lents stubbornness and is a little more open-minded. ha!! I apparently didn't take a picture of the house. We started simple and only did the lower level. Ryan was surprised at how easy it was to put them up, he didn't believe me of course. Addison loved it and was excited every night when we got home. 

 It's been so long I don't even know what game we took Addison to. I'm guessing we won, she has a pretty good track record of wins. She loved finding Cy of course.

Our annual photo at the tractor in Duluth Trading. It seems we go there once a year to look for something for Christmas, so we play on the tractor for a while. She loved it. She was shifting this year and "honking" the horn. I'm sure she will love visiting the farm this year. Think she's big enough for the buddy seat this year, although I'm sure she will think she should drive!