Wednesday, June 7, 2017

I don't want to run anymore....

Addison loves the magnets Aunt Kelly made for her. She loves to point at the people in the magnets. We are working on names, not going well. 

What a beautiful day for a run! I was training to run a relay race with Kelly. I liked to take Addison with me since I was already gone so much, I felt like I was spending time with her. Well when we were the furthest point from home, she decided she was done in the stroller. Crying hysterically. 

Took her out, happy as can be. Put her back. Screamed. It was a loonnng walk home.....haha. I was finally able to put her back in the stroller when I played her favorite Justin Beiber song (that the beaver toy sings). She was content then, so I ran fast. Lesson learned, the rest of the runs she went with me, we circled all the blocks repeatedly around her house. She never did it then of course!

Well at 1 year old, she didn't outgrow her love for licking things. As Ryan says "She leads with her tongue!" 

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