Thursday, June 22, 2017

12 months

Took this one on a sleepy morning, it's hard to see but her hair is standing straight up :) 

Last one of our monthly photos! We will probably still bring out the bow every once in a while....

Very hard to get a photo of her and Gwen!

This was the best I could get - ha! 

It's a jammie day :) Garth (dog) and Henry got her some super cute French Bulldog. I think Garth picked them out.....

 We had a busy day cleaning and doing laundry. Addison was a big help! She loves to pull all of the clothes out of the washer.

Now if only I could teach her how to fold them......

1 comment:

  1. She can come help me with laundry any day!! Adorable :)
