Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Addison's First Rodeo!

Well I'm finally to Addison's Birthday, April 22. I'm working on catching up! Work and school just get in the way. Speaking of work, I had to work on Addison's birthday. That's what you get when you are the manager and no one else will work :( But I made it just in time for her party, so that's all that matters!! 

Since I had no time in April, Grandma Rita and Aunt Kelly threw Addison's party and did a fantastic job. The theme was "It's my first rodeo". It was super cute! 

It was themed meal as well - complete with cow pies, farm fresh eggs, pigs in a blanket, etc

Addison's cowboy boots were a little big. The kid got the Julius feet apparently, 6-9 month shoes are too big! 

Our buddy Cooper! We should have put a cowboy hat on him. 

One of her favorite places at Grandma Rita's is the island counter. It's so big and there is so much to grab! She was walking on the counter last week. 

Grandma Evonne was flying solo that day. It was nice of her to come! 

Addison's cowboy cake

 The end of our weekly photos! We took a photo every week for the first year. Now I just gotta make that scrapbook......

The cousins! It was great to see them, it had been a while since we had seen Conner and Brayden. We had seen Parker and Makena the week before. Addison doesn't partake in the craziness, I'm sure she will soon. 

 She liked everyone singing to her! She only tried to grab the flame a few times. Ryan had been working hard on teaching her to blow out the candle but of course she wouldn't do it with everyone around. Oh and even if she could blow, it would have been a challenge since all Grandma Rita had for candles were trick candles......

These pictures lead you to believe she was into the cake.....not really. haha!

Brayden loved it though! :) All the boys thought it was cool they could put their fingers in it. 

She did try a little bit. Since we hadn't given the kid any kind of dessert, she didn't know what she was in for. 

 You can see how tired she is! She skipped her morning nap....but it wasn't for our lack of trying. She just cried instead :(

She actually did better opening gifts than I expected. She did pretty good! 

Watching the Julius Family baseball game. 

Conner and Makena got to mow. Now if only their dad would let them mow at home! 

Addison ended up taking a 3 hour nap that afternoon, she was exhausted!! It was a great day, thanks to my mom and Kelly for all their hard work! It was fun to have the family together, we were almost successful in getting the whole Julius clan together....Hughie wasn't feeling well. We well all be together in a few days for Kelly's 40th birthday though!! 

Can't believe my kiddo is a year old. This year went SOOO fast. Between work, school, and playing with Addison, I'm not sure where the time went. Just a year ago, I was at home enjoying snuggles but trying to get Addison to nap on her own so she could do it at daycare. Oh yea, and praying she would sleep so I could get some homework done as I was taking two classes at this time last year. She didn't sleep much. This kid doesn't require much sleep! She didn't sleep much as a newborn and now she goes to bed at 9pm and up around 6am-7am. Our friends' kids sleep 12 hours! I love it that she goes to bed at 9pm because then we get to spend some time with her. 

At 1 year:
- She is taking steps on her own (3 or 4)
- Loves cheerios, puffs, crackers, pickles, and cinnamon bread
- Sleeps 9pm to 6 or 7am
- Loves the singing animals, especially the Justin Beaver
- Loves her pacifier
- Says Mom mom mom
- Goes up and down the stairs well. Listens when you say "Turn around". 
- Licks things. Favorites are shoes, mirrors, windows, the fridge. Tried to lick an outlet once, thankfully I saw her. 
- Loves daycare - she almost jumps out of my arms to go to Shannon in the morning. Smiles and gets excited when seeing the other kids. 
- Goes to bed with no issues. She may wake up a few times though! 
- Loves when you sing 10 Little Monkeys, 10 Little Indians, and the Christmas song from her dancing snowman toy
- Loves to look at books 

Can't imagine life without our munchkin! She makes us laugh and keeps us busy :) 

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