Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Lents Easter

Yes I'm that far behind.....I'm just to Easter! The Lents Easter was at Ryan's cousin's house. They have a beautiful farm, new house and buildings and tons of animals! 

They did an Easter egg hunt for the little ones, Addison didn't care and was happy throwing the same egg and picking it up. I won't complain....

Trying to get a 1 year old to sit for a photo....pretty much impossible! 

Kid loves some buckets.

Kenny & Addison going for a ride :) Ryan's cousin has 4 wheelers, 4x4's, and swingset, Addison loved watching all the other kids!! 

It was really sunny that day so even if she was looking, she was squinting. They had chickens, horses, and pigs on the farm too. Addison will have fun visiting when she gets older!!

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