Thursday, May 25, 2017

Crazy Kid

I told you this crazy kid loves to crawl or walk around with a burp rag on her head. Have I mentioned she LOVES her burp rags?? She doesn't want to go anywhere without one. Or two. Or even three. She gets excited if she sees on laying on the counter and has to have it. Lately in the morning we have been taking multiples to daycare. And if she's cranky, you can throw a rag over her head and she laughs. That trick doesn't work as well as it used to though. :)

Eating pasta again - that's good stuff! 

Another rag photo

These pictures didn't turn out as well as we wanted but we were trying to compare her to Thing 1 with the crazy hair. I don't think she appreciated us making fun of her. 

But she does love looking at her Dr. Seuss photos! 

She was having a good ol' time playing on our wall unit with the mirror. She thought it was pretty cool to watch TV in the mirror.

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