Tuesday, May 23, 2017

49 weeks

Yup I'm still way behind. The absolute insane craziness of spring (March, April, May) at work is finally over, now we just have regular craziness. After many weeks of overtime and a total of 62 hours last week and  6 hours in class.....I'm so glad it's over!! Now hopefully I can catch up on important things these next few months....like updating the blog, shutterfly books, and maybe cleaning the house. The vacuum hasn't been run in a very very long time. Don't even want to know what the kid has ate off the floor.....

But speaking of eating, you can see her eating pasta above. You might think my house is REALLY dirty, but no, that is not bugs in the pasta.

She looks so enthused to be going shopping. She rode with her legs straight out. She wouldn't bend them for the longest time. 

 Playdate at Henry's 

Love Garth creepin' on Addison

I love Henry's enthusiasm - such a happy kid! 

"How are his hands making that noise?" 

Henry almost using the chair as it was intended - I should have gotten a photo of him jumping off it or tipping it over. The kid is a daredevil and has not an ounce of fear in him! 

PS - I just noticed in this post she is wearing two different leopard print outfits - ha! 

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