Wednesday, May 10, 2017

11 months

Got this picture in class - she's wearing Brayden's hand-me down football jersey. Ironically, our friend Henry was wearing the same outfit that day!! Pretty weird considering it was April. 

Another Crazy hair day :)

What?!? We have been taking weekly photos for 48 weeks?? 

And this is how photos go now.....

I did get a few of her at least looking! 

 The kid loves to play with her rag on her head. She used to put it on and crawl around full speed. Now she puts it on and tries to walk....

11 month photos!! Wow I'm behind on writing this......

At 11 months:
Height: 27.5"
Weight: roughly 20 lbs
Eats: cheerios, baby food, cinnamon bread, puffs, graham crackers, etc.
Likes: playing catch, licking things and her musical toys
Dislikes: when mom or dad walk away

Photos with Gwen are a struggle....

She LOVES her piggy bank. After she puts 10 coins in it sings a song and she loves it. She is so excited when it plays. She is partial to the red coins and chooses those over any others.

Yup this was a while ago. She was doing really well at standing on her own. 

Finally got a Christmas present set up. Cousin Parker got her some tunnels. It took some coaxing.....remotes, phones, and Dad in the tunnel but she finally went in. she's gotten used to it now and loves the tunnels. 

Had to take this one for Grandpa Ron....she was holding her own bottle without him! 

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