Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Happy Thanksgiving

We played lots of games at night since it got dark early. We loved playing games on the lanai! 

Mason was into the games and had a good time. The headbanz game was one of his favorite. 

We think this girl was cheating, she kept winning! Aunt Kelly claims she cheats at Candy Land because she always got the Lollipop Princess. 

Happy Thanksgiving! First time we spent Thanksgiving away from home. We missed the Julius Thanksgiving but you can't beat 80 degrees and a pool. 

And a bonus, my birthday was on Thanksgiving too. We had a very laid back day, soaking up the pool before heading home on Friday. We didn't even cook a meal, we just ate leftovers. Which I think made Ryan a little sad, but I told him he could cook if he really wanted a Thanksgiving meal. We ate leftovers. Ha! 

And Mason and Ryan cleaned some windows - they did an excellent job. 

Getting some pool time in before winter - ugh! 

Grandma Rita sent Thanksgiving crafts for Addison. She is already looking forward to making more this year! 

They actually shared the last drumstick. Reminded me of when Conner and Makena were 4 & 5 and shared a giant ice cream cone in St. Maarten. They were sooo good about sharing throughout the whole ice cream cone.....until the last two bites and Makena popped the whole thing in her mouth. Ha! Conner was so mad! These two did good with the last bite....this time. Ha! 

We were very sad (or at least I was) to leave Florida and the palm trees and warm weather. Especially to come home to the start of winter! Ugh. 


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