Saturday, September 30, 2023

Grinch is Back!

It's sad that I'm writing about Grinch coming..... and I'm so far behind that he will be back in 2 months!! So I'm on December 1, 2022 and Grinch came back to watch over the kids. 

Addison was so excited for Grinch and loved telling Mason all about him. 

And apparently there was a mouse in the house too. Ha! I can't believe we still have this thing, he's probably 40 years old. 

We went to the Slater tree lighting and they had some DELICIOUS cookies. I think they were donated from the bakery in Huxley. They were so yummy but look how good these kids shared!! 

The tree in the middle of main street. They do a countdown for the lighting and then fireworks afterward. 

It was pretty cold but a fun little outing! 

Grinch brought the kids new Grinch clothes! 

And another day he brought them "make your own snow globes"..... but apparently I didn't take a "final product" picture. 


Friday, September 29, 2023

Olaf and basketball

Mason was reading the Wheels on the Bus - Australian version - that my coworker gave Addison as a baby shower gift. She had hosted a trip to Australia, and as an educator, she chose to bring Addison home a book! Mason loves this book! 

We went to story time at the bookstore and they got to see Olaf. 

Conditioning for basketball - she was running on the treadmill and lifting weights

Addison is #1 - she was one of the smallest on the team so we worked hard to teach her how to use that. We kept telling her that she is closest to the floor so she should get all the loose balls!! 

We went to Lauren's work's open house and they did face painting. Addison stood in a long line very patiently and sat very still (it took forever), it looked great!! Not an artist used to face painting and the paint rubbed off..... lol. 

Her souvenir cup from Disney on Ice! She used it for ice cream :) 

Friday, September 22, 2023


Mason was not so sure about the big guy. 

But he felt better with Addison by his side! A great thing to come out of covid.... the bench in front of Santa! Ha! No way Mason would have sat on Santa's lap, but the bench was manageable. 

Addison wanted a desk with a bulletin board, a stuffed unicorn, and 5 baby dolls. Mason wanted a combine. 

Then we played around in the winter wonderland, Addison enjoyed shooting some targets. 

Mailing our letters to Santa

Dressed up, we gotta take pictures! Mason is wearing Brayden's sweater.....they look alike with that bleach blonde hair! 

 The kids promised to leave Santa some milk and cookies, they wanted to put them out that night! 

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Disney on Ice

It's Disney on Ice night!! Addison was excited. We had told her just a few days before that we bought tickets. Grandma Rita bought her the princess "cape" (or shawl) for the big night. 

We used Ryan's parking pass and parked in his garage. Addison begs to go see Ryan's work and his desk. Thought maybe being outside his work might hasn't. ha! 

Mom and Addy night! Love doing these things together and hope to create the good memories for her like my parents did for me :) 

This girl was excited! She felt so special in her new cape (just like Ana's in Frozen)

She was soooo surprised and excited when I bought her a snow cone. She loves that cup! 

It was another good night at Disney on Ice. She can't wait for this year! 

She loves the cape so much that she wore it out shopping the next day. Ha! 

She found these baby dolls at Fleet Farm and added them to her Santa list :) 

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Happy Thanksgiving

We played lots of games at night since it got dark early. We loved playing games on the lanai! 

Mason was into the games and had a good time. The headbanz game was one of his favorite. 

We think this girl was cheating, she kept winning! Aunt Kelly claims she cheats at Candy Land because she always got the Lollipop Princess. 

Happy Thanksgiving! First time we spent Thanksgiving away from home. We missed the Julius Thanksgiving but you can't beat 80 degrees and a pool. 

And a bonus, my birthday was on Thanksgiving too. We had a very laid back day, soaking up the pool before heading home on Friday. We didn't even cook a meal, we just ate leftovers. Which I think made Ryan a little sad, but I told him he could cook if he really wanted a Thanksgiving meal. We ate leftovers. Ha! 

And Mason and Ryan cleaned some windows - they did an excellent job. 

Getting some pool time in before winter - ugh! 

Grandma Rita sent Thanksgiving crafts for Addison. She is already looking forward to making more this year! 

They actually shared the last drumstick. Reminded me of when Conner and Makena were 4 & 5 and shared a giant ice cream cone in St. Maarten. They were sooo good about sharing throughout the whole ice cream cone.....until the last two bites and Makena popped the whole thing in her mouth. Ha! Conner was so mad! These two did good with the last bite....this time. Ha! 

We were very sad (or at least I was) to leave Florida and the palm trees and warm weather. Especially to come home to the start of winter! Ugh.