Sunday, October 9, 2022

Easter Bunny

We saw the Easter Bunny at Bass Pro! Addison whispered to Mason "Don't worry buddy, it's not a real bunny. There is a person inside the bunny and it's not scary at all". Ha! She figured that out on her own a year or two ago, we thought it was funny. 

There was a "treat basket" after they saw the bunny. Mason picked a squishy egg. He carried that egg around all day. We were at Sam's club later and I was looking at clothes. We had stopped by a rack, looked for a bit, then I started pushing them again. Mason started whining and was fussy, saying something I didn't understand,  so I grabbed a book off a table and gave it to him and Addison. 

Later, we are putting the kids in the car and we figured out he didn't have his egg. UGH! He had just gotten it. And we were all over the store. I told Ryan I would take a quick run through the store and see if I could find it. Ryan remembered he had it in the clothes section. Thanks to that hint, and my smart thinking, I realized that might have been why he got fussy and I had to give him a book to entertain him! Found the egg under the clothes rack. That's what he was saying when we couldn't understand! This is a silly story, but Ryan and I were pretty proud of finding the lost toy - ha! 

My hard-working boy! Ryan and Mason cleaned all the windows outside. Mason was excited to help. 

Aw, the curls! They were so cute!! But I do love him with short hair :) 

Mason wearing his hand-me-down puppy coat! This photo was in April and he's still wearing the coat to daycare now! It's a tad small but he loves it. 

He was so excited for his "bunny playing baseball" shirt that Grandma bought him (he needed Easter clothes)


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