Thursday, October 20, 2022

Birthday Celebration with HP & mini golfing

Mason was more excited for Addison's new blue shoes than she was! He was dying to get them on and ran around the house happy as a clam. 

We met Grandma Rita & Grandpa Ron for the traditional birthday meal! This was the thing Addison was looking forward to the most for her birthday. She was pumped for some ice cream! 

Mason was all over the place. Ha! Grandma Rita brought him a little gift too, a monster school bus and another small bus. He was running cars all over that place! 

We tried to go bowling at Perfect Games..... but I failed to check ahead (no idea I needed to) and there was a bowling tournament. So we couldn't bowl. BUT they do have mini golf so we did that instead! Pretty slow day on the course, so that was nice. We played some holes multiple times and we all had a good time. 

Then we played in the arcade a little bit. Addison LOVED it. She had never played in an arcade before. I thought it was funny that Addison was trying to lift Mason so he could shoot. Mason did actually make a basket while standing on the ledge. 

 Eventful end to our birthday celebration..... taking cover in the basement from a tornado. I have some anxiety after seeing the tornado blocks from our house in 2018. So we took cover and hung out for a while. Addison was pretty scared and I asked her what she was worried about. She said "losing power like we did during the derecho". Ha! Okay, well, I could resolve that fear. So we made a plan of where we could go or what we could do if we lost power. I didn't tell her that her fear should be the tornado flattening our house...... lol. All was good, it stayed a few miles away. Whew! 

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