Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Addison & Fuzzy Wuzzy

Addison drew a Mickey Mouse on her new tablet. It's a pretty good Mickey! 

Look at this crazy-haired man :) 

So this girl had been begging for a stuffed animal. I'm not a stuffed animal person. There were having "stuffie" day (I hate the word 'stuffie', just say stuffed animal. It's not hard.) at school and I sent a doll for her. Ha! I had actually donated the few stuffed animals we had to her old school. They were taking up space and she never played with them. Well that came back to bite me. Ha! Now she wanted one and I had to BUY one. BUT being the bargain shopper I am, I figured out I could get one cheap at Build-a-Bear! 

While waiting in line, Mason wanted to use her pockets. 

They had a "birthday bear" where you pay the price of the age they are turning in the month. Addison got to run the pump that filled her bear. 

Addison got to put the heart in her bear, before it was sewn up. 

Then she got to name her bear. She chose Fuzzy Wuzzy. 

Look at that smile!! Totally worth it. She was so excited. Going through the process with her was fun. They had all sorts of outfits to buy, but she kept it pretty basic with the birthday shirt. 

Addison with her prize bear. I didn't take any pictures but we also met Dale & Evonne for lunch at Texas Roadhouse. It was good to see them! 

This kid and his school bus. We almost left it at Build a Bear but someone saw it. We went to Nebraska Furniture Mart and he "drove" his bus all the way from the back of the store to the front. Ha! 

Then we went to Homemakers. Yes, for Addison's birthday. She was excited, for real. What's not to like.....huge store to run in, escalator, elevator, AND free cookies. Oh and she gets excited for lemonade. She had a blast! 

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