Sunday, August 11, 2019

Off to Florida!

Yup I'm still back in March. Addison and I went to Florida to meet up with the rest of the family. It was the first flight me and Addison had by ourselves and it was great. She was super excited for the airplane.

 And she doesn't stray too far from me, so I wasn't worried at all about her running away in the airport. In fact, the issue was more that she wouldn't let me put her down. Ha! I carried her and our bags a lot. But I did sign up for TSA Pre-Check, so that helped quite a bit. Definitely worth it!

Aww, the lifesaver on a 3 hour flight. The iPad. Ha! I got to read my book a little and relax. And snacks, they are a lifesaver as well. She did great on a 3 hour flight, couldn't have gone better. 

We got off the airplane outside in Florida, so of course I had to stop and make her take a picture. I wanted to stop closer to the plane, but wasn't sure if the airport people would yell at me..... 

Two happy kids in Florida. 

Playing catch in the yard. 

Ready to get in the pool, just forgetting one thing...... 

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