Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Florida Post II

We figured out those floatie worked perfect for Addison in the pool. She's holding a treasure chest that is holding 38 coins. She LOVED them. She had a blast throwing them in the pool and then asking Makena, Conner, and Parker to go get them. They would put some up on the edge of the pool and then why they dove down to get more, she would throw the coins back in the pool. It was a never ending cycle!

Tracey's little burrito. 

Parker and Conner went to a spring training game. 

Conner at the field. 

Happy boys! 

We went out for seafood one night. Addison and Grandma Rita stayed home. I wasn't real sure where Tracey was taking us, it was quite the hole in a wall. But sometimes a hole in the wall can be the best. It was pretty good, I'm not a big seafood person. But I would eat there again! 

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