Friday, August 16, 2019

Florida Part III - Shopping

We went shopping at the outlets one day. This is how Addison apparently felt about that. Ha! Actually, she had a great time. We went to Vineyard Vines and Addison absolutely loved all the whales. She thought it was the best store ever. She kept begging to go back after we left. 

We found the school bus and she was pretty excited. 

We sent this one to Ryan and he said she looks so grown up. She grew while we were gone :) 

It wasn't moving but these two didn't care. 

Had to take a picture outside the Puma store. I think Addison could spot a Puma a half mile away. Kid loves the Puma brand. Although now Vineyard Vines is a close contender. 

She loved the ponds with the turtles and fish. There were a bunch of baby turtles so she was pretty entertained. 

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