Monday, April 8, 2019

Leap Frog

Addison convinced Hugh and Tracey to go fishing too. Addison apparently lays claim to all the yellow fish and gets mad if anyone else catches them! Hugh and Conner love to go fishing (real fishing, not the game) so I guess when Addy gets older we will send her with them. And then she can go camping with Dave and Parker :) 

Parker got Addison a Paw Patrol sleeping bag. She was pretending to sleep and Tracey was "waking" her up. 

She's pretending to snore in this photo. 

And probably the highlight of Addison's weekend was learning how to play leap frog. She loved it! Everyone having to say "ribbit" as they hopped over was probably a big part of why she loved it.

And it's not a weekend with Conner if we don't do the Juicy Wiggle :) ha! 

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