Thursday, April 11, 2019

Thank you Santa

She asked Santa to leave her a cookie please, and he did!! Santa is the best :)

This was her big Santa gift. She had asked Santa for a new doll. She got the "baby alive" version of the Cabbage Patch Doll. The doll laughs, "eats", get's sick, falls asleep, etc. and her eyes are LCD screens so they move. Addison thought it was so funny and cute, she was obsessed. 

And Santa didn't bring her the doll..... Makena did. Ha!! 

Feeding her new baby. 

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Merry Christmas!!

Yup, it's April 7 today and I'm writing about Christmas :) 

She got an advent tree from Christmas and loved playing with it. I loved my advent tree when I was little and I was so excited to get it out each year. I hope she's the same :) I love the picture above, in a time when she struggles to look at the camera smile, I love this Christmas morning photo! She had no idea what Christmas morning meant, but she was happy as a clam as always. 

Her stocking and gifts from Santa. She may not have known what Christmas morning meant, but she was still up before 6am. Good thing was, she didn't know today was the day she could open gifts so waiting for Dad to wait up didn't matter. ha! 

By the way, people kept asking us if she opened any gifts early. The only thing she opened early was an Iowa State necklace her and Ryan bought me for my birthday. Ryan and Addison wrapped the gift then went and Ryan got in the shower. He came out and she had unwrapped the box and opened it and took the necklace out - ha! 

"Come on Mom, just let me open them!!" (she wouldn't have been so excited if she would have known it was clothes and necessary items, not toys)

She quickly lost interest in gifts and told me she had some cleaning to do. she got a bucket of water and went upstairs to clean. I hope this continues over the years - haha!!

Monday, April 8, 2019

Leap Frog

Addison convinced Hugh and Tracey to go fishing too. Addison apparently lays claim to all the yellow fish and gets mad if anyone else catches them! Hugh and Conner love to go fishing (real fishing, not the game) so I guess when Addy gets older we will send her with them. And then she can go camping with Dave and Parker :) 

Parker got Addison a Paw Patrol sleeping bag. She was pretending to sleep and Tracey was "waking" her up. 

She's pretending to snore in this photo. 

And probably the highlight of Addison's weekend was learning how to play leap frog. She loved it! Everyone having to say "ribbit" as they hopped over was probably a big part of why she loved it.

And it's not a weekend with Conner if we don't do the Juicy Wiggle :) ha! 

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Christmas Eve

We thought we got to church early on Christmas Eve, but apparently our definition is different than other people's. The main santuary was already full and we went to the lower level. Which actually was okay, it made our 3 trips to the restroom a little easier.

We may not have gotten the seats we wanted, but we DID get cookies :) The cookie table was busy, so I just grabbed 3 that I knew we would eat. Of course there was one that we all had our eye on.... guess who got that one. I know you are probably thinking Ryan, but nope, Addison got it. I think he really debated stealing it from her.... and if I wasn't there, he probably would have - ha! Just kidding (maybe). She was super excited for her cookie.

She was actually more excited for the candles. We did let her have her own candle (yes the church is still standing). In the 3 verses of Silent Night, she probably blew out and re-lit her candle 12-15 times. haha! And no Mom, we did not get wax on our coats. Growing up, my mom always got worked up about candles in church because when people blew them out, wax could get on your clothes or coat. haha!

We had a great afternoon/evening at home, just the 3 of us. I didn't do any cleaning, dishes, laundry, etc. We just hung out, played games, and then watched the cartoon Grinch. Then we got our cookies out of the freezer and made a plate for Santa. Addison was super excited. 

Although while we were putting them out, we realized we didn't explain the process. She heard "cookies" and had a one track mind. I had gotten some cookies out of the freezer and went back to the garage and heard Ryan say "No No No!!!" and I ran back inside. Just in time for the lip to come out Addison to start crying. She picked up a cookie to eat it and Ryan freaked out - haha! In hindsight he realized it wasn't that big of a deal if she ate Santa's cookie, but in the moment he apparently thought it was a big deal. She was so confused and upset - what do you mean you put all these cookies in front of me and make me smile and I don't get to eat one?? Of course, I let her have one after that!  

We thought she was so cute with her Merry Christmas and Ho Ho Ho :)

Then we left Santa a note that Addison dictated:

Of course I made her pose like she was writing - haha!

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Cousin time!

Next Christmas we get to add Nolan to the picture! I needed the challenge of getting another kid to look and smile at the camera, ha! 

We couldn't forgot Cooper- haha! Parker is 10, Brayden is 7, Conner is 11, and Makena is 12. Makena turned 13 a few days after this photo. 

Poor Coop trying to relax among all the chaos - ha! 

Conner was so excited to get Addison this gift. He was more interested in helping her than opening his own gifts! 

Then of course Hugh had to help put the hockey net together. 

Or did Hugh have an ulterior motive..... maybe he helped put it together because he wanted to play..... 

What this photo is missing is Hugh calling the play by play. 

Addison going fishing with Grandpa Ron. It's no Lizard Lake, but I guess this will have to do for fishing with Grandpa. 

Friday, April 5, 2019

The Julius Christmas

We tried to take a few family pictures before heading to Ames for the Julius Christmas. She actually seems to smile better when we take a selfie! 

This picture makes me laugh, she's looking at Ryan like "what are you doing in my picture?"

I take so many photos of just Addison, that I have to make a conscious effort to get some with Ryan and I in them!

Brayden wanted to see if he could pick up Addison - ha! He told me she was pretty heavy but it's okay because he's pretty strong. :)

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Meat Good!!!

If effort to encourage Addison to eat her meat, we taught her that meat will make her strong (while flexing). She is showing us her muscles in the picture above. She actually does do a pretty good job eating meat, but sometimes we still have to work to encourage her to eat it. 

Then, Ryan and I started quoting "Friends", from the episode where Rachel screws up the trifle and puts meat in the dessert. Joey says "Meat Good" in a deep voice. Ryan and I say it to Addison and she started saying it whenever she eats meat. We of course think it's pretty funny. In the video above, she's eating a hot dog and says "Meat Good". Ha! 

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Daycare party

Of course, poor Addison was sick the day of the daycare Christmas Party :( Crozby, Emmy, Westin, and Drake had to party without her. 

But thankfully Shannon took photos when she was working on their Christmas art projects. Here is Addison, Crozby and Emmy. 

Addy & Emmy - best friends. Emmy left the daycare in late January and two months later Addy still thinks Emmy is just sick. She tells me she misses Emmy. Breaks my heart!