Sunday, May 26, 2024

The Grasshopper Room

Mason walking with Lukas & Addison to the bus stop. 

And now Mason is ready for his first day in the Grasshopper room! 

And we were so happy that Coy changed daycares and was in the same room as Mason!! These two are best friends :) 

Mason cruising on a trike on daycare. 

Pictures from daycare from the large group. 

Mason doing some water color painting at daycare. 

We were excited to find Cyclone Beer! Ha! With all the controversary around Bud Light, we got a big rebate for this beer. They are practically paying us to drink BL :) 

Mason's swimming lessons! He's getting a little better and is not quite as scared to get his face wet. 

Picture day for Addy! We were practicing her smile :) 

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