Friday, May 17, 2024

Mason's Hair-do, farming, Mario Kart, and a little cleaning too

Mason loves to have his hair done, and it drives Ryan crazy! Ha! 

Just doing a little farming. 

Addison finished her bunny rabbit Lego. 

Mason told me he trapped a bug (his right hand) and was waiting for me to get a Kleenex to get him. I laughed because he fully expected the bug to be alive but he sort of squished him when he was "watching" him for me. Ha! 

Playing Mario Kart! We introduced them to the wii and Mason struggled but wanted to do it so bad! 

She wanted to start piano lessons :) I told her I would start teaching her and we did pretty good for a couple months. Life got a little insane in February with Girl Scouts, basketball, swimming, dance, not to mention my life got a little crazy, so we have taken a hiatus. We are going to start back up when school gets out! 

Right before school started in August, we got Addison a Gizmo watch. She would be riding the bus home and be home alone for a couple hours a few days a week. So we wanted her to be able to get a hold of us. She is calling Grandpa Ron in this picture, she is pretty proud & excited! 

Mason wanted to show Grandma Rita that he was eating a WHOLE ice cream bar. He was on a big ice cream bar kick for a while. 

Flashbacks to my childhood as the kids help me out - ha! 

If only a superhero would help me clean more often!! 

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