Monday, June 19, 2023

ISU vs. Ohio Football game

Love this little boy in his Lents jersey! And his choice of rain boots :) He has worn these rain boots so many times to daycare on nice days, it makes me laugh! 

After the games, you can find Conner, Parker and Brayden at the wall trying to gain a 'souvenir' from the players. Conner has quite a knack for it. This particular game, Conner and Tracey were saying "give them to the little girl!!" It worked! 

These gloves are some of Addison's prized possessions. Not only are they super cool, but she got them herself. She is proud! 

Making memories 

Landon missed this game, so we had to send him a half-time beer picture. 

My sweet little boy. He did so well at the games last year, but had to take a few naps too. 

This crazy guy has put a lasting impression on these kids. They talked about him in the car just this last week! We stood and watched this guy for like 10 minutes before the game. Ryan got a little one in the Christmas grab bag. It's a Halloween one and the kids are already making plans for where to put it! 

Wyffels Tailgate with our new hats. 

Pre-game tailgating picture for Landon. It was sprinkling at the beginning of the game but never really rained. Woo! 

Two of Mason's favorite things...... the Cyclones and school bus! 

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